Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act

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Company Name Hokkaido Nomad Car Rental
A parson in charge Shinya Abe
Address 〒062-0933
3-15 Hiragishi 3jo 6chome Toyohira-ku Sapporoshi Hokkaido
Payment method Credit card, Transfer
Delivery time Inform by e-mail within 24 hours after payment
Other fee Please pay the transfer fee
Cancelation policy

If you cancel your reservation, cancelation fee will cost

1 month before (31days before)
(Only entire cancel)
1 month after (30days after)
1week after(7days after)
Half of the fee
6days after
Day before the day you rent
80% of the fee
The day you rent 100% of the fee

Termination of the contract If you cancel your reservation after you start the car rental and terminate your contract, we charge you termination fee. The fee will be the half of the rental fee of the rest term.
License number Hokkaido District Transport Bureau certified 札運第109号

E-mail address

LGBT free declaration

Hokkaido Nomad Car Rental LGBT free declaration

May 1st 2017

  • ・We respect human rights, diversity and diverse point of value. We never take verbal action of discrimination because of nationality, race, ethnic group, sex, age, religion, karma, social position, sexual orientation, disability.
  • ・We hold the diversity seminar including LGBT in our office meeting.
  • ・In our working policy, same sex partner is taken for their husband or wife. They are allow to have any prize or vacation.
  • ・We hold the diversity seminar including LGBT and contribute for our local society to understand .