Price & Booking

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Thank you for the reservation request.

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Right after your click the apply button, you will get auto reply.
In some case, you may not be able to receive the reply depends on your device or something. Please let us know via e-mal. Sorry for the inconvenient.

Depends on the e-mail service, our reply is in Spam or delete folder. Please confirm those folder.

We are going to send you rental documents in 2 business days. Please confirm it.
Please par your rent fee in 1 week after your checking total amount on the rental documents vie bank transfer or credit card. Your reservation will be completed when we check the fee is paid.

* If we cannot check the fee is paid within 1 week. Your reservation will be automatically canceled. Please understand.

Please check our cancellation policy here.
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【Bank account】
North Pacific Bank
Saving account 5326111
Account holder ホッカイドウノマドレンタカー ( Hokkaido Nomad Car Rental)

*If you will pay with your credit card, we will inform you how to by e-mail.